eCommerce ain’t a breeze, you’ve probably noticed that and that’s why you’re out there looking for tips and ways to improve. Reading this here content. And that’s grand! Wanting to improve and actually doing the things necessary to improve are two different things and learning is imperative to making sure you make the right move.
Without further ado then, The Snow Agency would like to jump in to some eCommerce optimization tips.
Take Your Brand Online
This sounds goofy in a piece about eComm since by definition you’re already online but just because you’re on the web, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily knocking it out of the park.
For starters, are people finding you? Is your SEO game on point? If you aren’t ranking highly on search engines in the keywords you know will help you drive traffic, your eCommerce is going to take a hit. That’s not just your individual keywords, it means going next level and getting your long-tails optimized.
While we’re talking about off-site/off page SEO, what does your on-page SEO look like? This is not always at the forefront of the mind but getting this right is big. What it means in practice is things like having an easy to navigate structure and ensuring you’re incorporating your keywords throughout, in your headers & subheaders, metatags, product descriptions, text, file names, etc. even your URLs need to be looked at. Making sure your page is optimized internally means it’s inherently more user friendly and therefore more highly regarded by Google.
Have you checked what you competitors are up to, particularly if they’re doing better? What can you implement from that research into your own operation?
How is the overall design and user experience of your eCommerce website? Poor design and an intuitive layout could very well be the death knell for your sales. Think about how frustrated you get when you’re on a site that doesn’t make sense to navigate or takes too long to load. Do you give the courtesy of your business or do you move on to green pastures and plant your money there?
Is your online store mobile friendly? Internet usage on mobile surpasses that of desktop now so if your eCommerce site isn’t built for mobile you are without a doubt being penalized, for sure in outright sales losses and perhaps with a hit to your SEO as well.
This is what we mean by take your brand online, just because you’ve claimed a domain and popped a site into existence, don’t expect people to flock to it unless you’ve done the work to get it firing on all cylinders.
Importance of eCommerce
The Snow Agency knows if you’re in the business of selling anything, eCommerce needs to be at the forefront of your efforts. Brick and mortars offer slimmer and slimmer margins and you likely aren’t keeping your store open 24/7/365. With a well oiled eComm site, you can do just that.
The ability to buy online is also insanely convenient for your customers. They don’t even have to wear shoes or pants to get your products and with less and less people going to stores because of Covid-19, now is the time to lean into eCommerce.
Taking off from the access side of things, having a robust eCommerce site allows you the ability to scale and add to your business more quickly and with less roadblocks all without a need to move into a larger storefront.
Optimize With The Snow Agency
These days, eCommerce optimization is a must, not a luxury. While you’re focusing elsewhere and not doing it, you’re falling behind and leaving money for your competitors to grab. If you need help getting your eCommerce house in order, reach out to us at The Snow Agency and work with you on a solution.