Che Naturals was a small skin-care brand with a strong message that needed help growing their business. The store had a monthly revenue average of $4,000 and had reached an impasse, struggling to expand beyond word of mouth and organic traffic. Che had run a small amount of paid social campaigns, but they knew there was potential for greater growth.
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Our Process
Website Optimization
The first step to improving the brand had to be website renovation. With our tried and tested methods of increasing conversion rate, we were able to boost the site’s CR from 4.54% to 5.97%, even with a 970% increase in website traffic. We accomplished this by re-writing product descriptions, optimizing the site layout, adding social proof, and most importantly, by employing landing pages. These landing pages were meticulously crafted and specialized with our target persona in mind, providing prospective customers with an emotional incentive to choose Che Naturals out of the vast sea of competitors.
Creative Content Development
Knowing that our target customer persona was mostly black women between the ages of 25 and 34, we created content that would resonate best with this demographic. We sourced User Generated Content from real customers of the brand to develop our portfolio of ads. This tactic gave us the benefit of remaining native to the platforms we target, and also helped build social proof for prospective customers. With a mixture of testimonials, product review pictures, mash-ups, and informational videos, we were able to deliver relatable content to our demographic and convince them to buy.
Detailed Targeting
Before signing on with the Snow Agency, Che Naturals had been using “boosted posts” to try and get their brand in front of consumers, which generated engagements but not much else. This left us with a large pool of customers that could be re-targeted efficiently, providing us with much-needed insights into an offer we could scale. After a period of trial and error, we were able to hone in on a combo of offer and persona, that allowed us to scale monthly revenue from $4k to $100+k.
Average Order Value
After we were able to perfect our targeting, we knew we could boost revenue even higher with improvements to the AOV. Our first step was to introduce product bundles. Next, we employed post-purchase funnels that offered customers the opportunity to add-on to their orders, providing a risk-free method of AOV improvement. These combined efforts boosted the AOV of the store 25%, allowing for more flexibility with what’s scalable and improving overall spend-to-rev.
Che Naturals turned to us to grow the brand into what it was capable of. While the product was perfect, the marketing efforts needed a complete overhaul. We started with website optimization and followed with an improvement in content development. Next, we crafted a detailed targeting plan to maximize spend efficiency. Finally we increased average order value with strategic offers and bundles.